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About the LACLS Program / Distinguished Lectures

Distinguished Lectures

2025 Distinguished Lecturer: Dr. Jennifer Leeman, Professor, Department of Modern and Classical Language, George Mason University. Talk title: "Shades of Whiteness: Language-based Racialization of Immigrants in the US Census."

2022 Distinguished Lecturer: Dr. Jason DeLeon, Professor of Anthropology and Chicana, Chicano, & Central American Studies, UCLA. Talk title: "The Land of Open Graves: Understanding the Current Politics of Migrant Life and Death Along The U.S.-MEXICO Border".

2020 Distinguished Lecturer: Dr. Kendra McSweeney, Ohio State University, Geography. Talk title: "The Drug War Database That Speaks Against Itself: Cocaine Trafficking in the Western Hemisphere ‘Transit Zone’".

2019 Distinguished Lecturer: Dr. Stephen Houston, Dupee Family Professor of Social Science and Professor of Anthropology and Archaeology, Brown University. Talk title: "Rescaling Reality: Size and Sumptuary Privilege among the Classic Maya".

2018 Distinguished Lecturer: Dr. Debra Cohen, Emerson Hinchliff Chair of Hispanic Studies and Professor of Comparative Literature, Cornell University. Talk title: "New Frontiers for Mexican American Literature".