-2024. Liberato, Ana SQ. Deysi, Gender, and Violence: Making a Life Under Democracy and Dictatorship, Advances in Sociology Series, Routledge. December 3, 2024.
2013. Liberato, Ana SQ. Joaquín Balaguer, Memory and Diaspora: The Lasting Political Legacies of an American Protégé, Lexington Books.
2024. Liberato, Ana SQ and Sabrina Dinmohamed. Symbolic Boundaries Among Dominican Immigrants in Europe, Ethnic Studies Review, Vol 47(2-3), p21-43.
2022. Liberato, Ana SQ (Second Author) and Kevin Alejandrez. * The Enchantment of Language Resistance in Puerto Rico (p131-145), In Jose Cobas (ed.), The Spanish Language in the United States: Rootedness, Racialization, and Resistance. Routledge.
2021. Liberato, Ana SQ. The Basic Emotions of Disadvantaged Immigrant Subjects: A Case Study. In Danae Gallo González, Mirjam Leuzinger, and Verena Dolle (eds.), Hispanos en el Mundo: Emociones y Desplazamientos Históricos, Viajes y Migraciones (p121-137) . Berlin: De Gruyter.
2018. Liberato, Ana S.Q. The Racialization of Dominicans in the United States and Europe, In José A. Cobas, Joe R. Feagin, Daniel J. Delgado and Maria Chávez. Latino Peoples in the New America. Racialization and Resistance. (109-129), Routledge.
2017. Liberato, Ana S.Q. and Yanick St. Jean. Systemic Racism Theory and Anti-Haitian Racism: Theoretical Challenges and Opportunities In Ruth Thompson and Kimberley Ducey (eds.), Systemic Racism: Making Liberty, Justice, and Democracy Real (p 309-332), Palgrave MacMillan.
2017. Liberato, Ana and Kathleen Ratajczak. The Feminist Debate on Prostitution and Trafficking: Reflections for a Unified and Theory-Driven Approach. International Journal of Modern Sociology. Special Issue on Global Gender Inequalities, 43(1):119-135.
2016. Liberato, Ana. El Autoritarismo y la Memoria Dominicana.
2015. Liberato, Ana S.Q. Dominican Mob Violence Against Haitians
2013. Liberato, Ana S.Q. (Second author), Dana Fennell, Bridget Hayden and Yuko Fujino. Consuming Anime, Television & New Media, 12(5):367-385.
2011. Ana S.Q. Liberato and John D. Foster. Representations and Remembrance: The Civil Rights Movement in the Narratives of Civil Rights Activists and Hollywood Filmmakers. Journal of African American Studies, Vol. 15, Issue 3. P 367-384.
2011. Liberato, Ana S.Q., Guillermo Rebollo Gil, John D. Foster, and Amanda Moras. Latinidad and Masculinidad in Hollywood Films. Reprinted in Martin Bulmer and John Solomos (Eds.) Latino Identity in Contemporary America. Routledge, December 2011. Translated and Published in Spanish by the Fundación de Nuevo Cine Lationamericano (New Latin American Cinema Foundation), Havana, Cuba. Here:….
2011. Liberato, A n a S. Q., Guillermo Rebollo Gil, John D. Foster, a n d A ma n d a Moras. Latinidad and Masculinidad in Hollywood Films. Reprint, in Martin Bulmer and John Solomon (eds.) Latino Identity in Contemporary America. Routledge.
-2010. Latinidad y Masculinidad en Hollywood. Spanish Translation by the Fundación de Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano,Havana, Cuba.…
-2009. Latinidad and Masculinidad in Hollywood Films. Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 32, 6: 948-966.
2008. Liberato, Ana S.Q, Dana Fennell, and William Jeffries. I Still Remember America: Senior African Americans Talk about Racial Segregation. Journal of African American Studies. Volume 12, Number 3, Pp229-242.
2008. Liberato, Ana (Second author) “Complementary Alternative Medicine Patterns of Use: Methodological Considerations. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 17: 71-77.
2007. Liberato, Ana S.Q. and Joe R. Feagin. Becoming American and Maintaining Ethnic Identities: The Case of Dominican Americans. Pp 177-215. In Yoku Shaw-Taylor and Steven A. Tuch (eds.), “The Other African Americans: Contemporary African American Families in the United States.” Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
2007. Liberato, Ana S.Q. and Dana Fennell. Gender and Health in the Dominican Republic: The Impact of Free Trade Zone Employment and Female Headship. Journal of World Development Vol. 35(3):394-409.
2007. Liberato, Ana S.Q. (Second author) and Dana Fennell. Learning to Live with OCD: Labeling, the Self, and Stigma. Journal of Deviant Behavior. Vol. 8 (4) : 305-331.
2006. Liberato, Ana S.Q.Carlton Pomeroy, and Dana Fennell. Well-being and Social Policy in Bolivia: The Impact of Ethnicity and Regional Location on Material Wealth and Health Outcomes. Social Indicators Research.76 (20): 233-262.
2006. Liberato, Ana S.Q. and Dana Fennell. The Well-being of Industrial Workers: A Quantitative Assessment of the Dominican Case. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology. Vol. 5 (4): 303-326.